30 Apr 2024

Useful information about the eligibility period for grandparents' gyed/gyes

Useful information about the eligibility period for grandparents' gyed/gyes

What is new is that you can also obtain entitlement time for discounted retirement benefits as a grandmother.

Relevant legislation:

– LXXXI of 1997 Act on Social Security Retirement

– 168/1997. (X. 6.) Government Decree LXXXI of 1997 on social security retirement benefits. on the implementation of the law

LXXXI of 1997 on social security retirement benefits. Act (hereinafter: Tny.) § 18.(2a), a woman who has at least forty years of eligibility is entitled to a full old-age pension, regardless of her age.

In this case, the term of entitlement is not the same as the term of service, the term of entitlement is a narrower term.


In the case of grandmothers, the eligibility period

Let's assume that a grandmother of active age, who is still about to retire, uses a grandparent child care fee (grandparent's gyed) or grandparent's child care support (grandparent's gyed) in addition to her grandchild, and if this lady uses the child-rearing-, he did not exhaust the eight years of child-rearing time possible within the forty-year eligibility period with the duration of child care benefits, he can still apply the period after his grandchild as an eligibility period.

Within the total eligibility period, the length of service gained through gainful activity or a legal relationship subject to it must reach thirty-two years, in addition, eight years of child-rearing time can be taken into account for the forty-year eligibility period.

The itemized definition of entitlement periods acquired through employment or a legal relationship that falls under the same consideration is provided by the Tny. 168/1997 issued for its implementation. (X.6.) can be found in § 12 of Government Decree.

Which is not an entitlement period

the length of service obtained with job search (unemployment) benefits,

the period of full-time studies at the higher education institution,

the duration of the passive sick pay, i.e. sick pay paid after the termination of the insurance relationship, and

neither the length of service acquired by paying contributions based on the agreement.

After using the above, the forty-year eligibility period can be obtained with a longer period of time.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that, in addition to the pension, you can continue working without restrictions even before reaching the age limit. Also, it is important to keep in mind the fact that the pensioner is entitled to full exemption from contributions in addition to self-employed pension.
