One of the most important things for a working person is his salary, the wage received for his work. The result of the work of the payroll accountant is that everything complies with the legislation and that the employees receive their wages on time.

It is the duty and responsibility of the payroll accountant to calculate the effects of various taxes and contributions, which may vary from case to case for each employee, as the unique circumstances of the given employee must also be taken into account.


What are its main advantages?

  • Expertise, cost effectiveness
  • Saving time, meeting deadlines exactly
  • Confidentiality, security

With the solid professional knowledge and experience of our accountants, we can provide a reliable payroll service.

Fair cooperation with our satisfied customers is most important to us, with full confidentiality and responsibility. Thank you for your trust!

Outsourcing payroll can be easier for your company too!

Personnel salary and training costs are reduced.

There is no need to purchase a payroll program.

Administrative burdens will disappear.

Your dependence on employees responsible for payroll is significantly reduced.

We ensure up-to-date knowledge of laws and regulations, thus minimizing the possibility of mistakes and penalties.

Megbízhatóság, őszinteség, pontosság

Legyen szó könyvelésről, kontrollingról vagy pénzügyi tanácsadásról, nálunk mindig számíthatsz a precizitásra és a megbízhatóságra.


év tapasztalat


Our prices are completely "personalized" and always include a free consultation online or in person, so that we can discover exactly what your goals are and how we can help you achieve them.

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