
Your accounting is in good hands

You don't have to worry about tax or TB checks. We always perform our accounting duties in accordance with the current legislation. 

We consider it extremely important to inform our customers about what they need to do in the event of a change.

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4561 Baktalórántháza, Nyírfa utca 20., 4026 Debrecen


Decision support, complex financial controlling, with more than fifteen years of controller experience in a multinational environment. 

We work to ensure that your company achieves the best possible result from its income. 

We don't just put statements and reports and graphs on the table, we also provide help in interpreting the data and support you with development advice.

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The head of the company is not an accounting professional, nor does he have to keep track of the ever-changing maze of tax and legal rules. This is the accountant's job.

A good accountant shows the way to the executives in this maze and informs the company manager about the essential issue and rule related to the company in time.


We carry out employer tasks related to payroll, as well as provide constant professional support. In addition to complete confidentiality and responsibility, we ensure that we make your administrative processes more efficient and your costs related to payroll more predictable. 

Simplify the administrative tasks of your business and please consider using our professional service.

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