The head of the company is not an accounting professional, nor does he have to keep track of the ever-changing maze of tax and legal rules. This is the accountant's job.


A good accountant shows the way to the executives in this maze and informs the company manager about the essential issue and rule related to the company in time.


Our 3 biggest strengths

  • Availability, availability
  • We make the best out of finances
  • Continuous information

Our accountants are certified accountants, economists with a degree in law, qualified accountants and have an international VAT certificate.

All-encompassing liability insurance protects our partners for the handling of possible damage caused by their own fault, but this has not been the case in the last ten years.

Our office has been operating for more than 15 years. Our employees check their e-mails on a daily basis. We can also be reached by phone within a couple of hours at the most. If we can't pick you up, we'll call everyone back as soon as possible.

We book and store all accounting materials in accordance with the Accounting Act. We prepare the returns without errors on time, and submit them on the appropriate forms.

Megbízhatóság, őszinteség, pontosság

Legyen szó könyvelésről, kontrollingról vagy pénzügyi tanácsadásról, nálunk mindig számíthatsz a precizitásra és a megbízhatóságra.


év tapasztalat

We constantly follow the changes in the legislation, and accordingly inform you in time about the essential changes and obligations affecting the company.

We work with a contract and an invoice. The contract clearly explains what we undertake and what our obligations are. We manage our clients' affairs with a power of attorney on the Customer Portal, so it will be clearly visible who submitted the application.

About our prices in general

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