13 Sep 2024

Changes to data erasure code regulation

Changes to data erasure code regulation

The rules for requesting and handing over the data erasing code necessary to make permanent data carriers permanently inaccessible have changed as of August 21, 2024.

To request a data deletion code, you must:

  • the operator of the program with an online invoicing function, if the accounting document certifying the sale of the durable data carrier was issued using a program with an online voicing function, and the trader did not declare that he himself wants to hand over the data deletion code to the consumer,

  • the operator of the online market, if the durable data carrier was sold using an online market, and the trader did not declare that he would hand over the data deletion code to the consumer himself, and

  • the trader, if he did not sell the durable data carrier using an online market or a program with an online invoicing function, or if he sold the durable data carrier using an online market or a program with an online billing function, however, the trader declared that he would hand over the data deletion code to the to a consumer.

The person obliged to do so can only request the data erasure code electronically, using the SORSZIG form submitted to NAV. NAV will send the data deletion code to the applicant within 8 days of receiving the application.

The applicant must keep a record of the data erasure codes issued but not yet handed over to the consumer. Information about the data erasure codes given to the consumer is required for the NAV.

Changes in the Online Billing Program

As a result of a change in legislation, from August 21, 2024, NAV ensures the recording of data deletion codes on invoices issued for the sale of durable data storage devices in the Online Billing program.

Due to the change in legislation, the primary user of the Online Invoicing program must accept the modified General Terms and Conditions (GTC) upon first login. Secondary users can only log in to the program after this.

Source: https://nav.gov.hu/ugyfeliranytu/nezzen-utana/tudjon_rola/Az-adattorlo-kod-szabalyozasanak-2024.-augusztus-21-tol-ervenyes-valtozasai
